
Use the Power of the Compound Effect to Grow Spiritually

If you look at your life, what is it – from a practical point of view? It is simply the succession of days. The days grow into weeks, the weeks turn into months, the months merge into years, and the years become your life. Your life today and what you are today - where you [...]

Transmute worry into desire for positive change

Worry never helped anyone accomplish anything. Worry is negative and passive. That’s why, by definition, it is incapable of accomplishing anything. The only way to change anything is by a positive and active approach. Practically speaking, what that means is that the way out of worry is to transmute it into active desire for positive [...]

How to develop supportive habits and eliminate unsupportive ones

A habit is something we do on a regular and repeated basis. Habits can be supportive or unsupportive, depending on whether they serve our evolution or hinder our evolution. The Spiritual path is the path out of matter towards Spirit. To evolve, by definition, means to become less matter and more Spirit. As such, supportive [...]

The Faulty Theory that Negative Emotions Exhaust themselves through Expression

There is a common teaching anent the emotions that is very prevalent in our world today. Here it is: When we let our emotions out they exhaust themselves. So the idea is that when we are angry and we let our anger out by expressing it, it exhausts itself. When we are frustrated and we [...]

2017-08-06T13:28:31+00:00By |Love and Emotions|

The New Approach of the New Age

The 21st century shall go down in history as the Age of the Soul. In other words: We are collectively awakening to the reality of the Soul. In intuitive philosophy, the Soul is also called the Thinker. As we can see, therefore, the development of Soul consciousness inevitably involves the awakening and activation of our [...]

Why Prayer, Affirmations and Visualization Do Not Always Get the Results People Want

My Beloved Readers, this is a most interesting subject and one that has baffled many a lightworker and consciousness seeker. How come if they are doing these Spiritual practices are they not getting the results they seek!? I will attempt to explain. Let us begin with affirmations and prayers. It must be understood, my friends, [...]

Why and How to Become Soul Conscious

Hi, this is Gloria from where we help you embrace your full potential, grow into an Integrated Enlightened Master and reach your evolutionary goal. As I said in the video with the title, “Wow, this is our evolutionary goal,” we as human beings, we have an evolutionary goal – and that evolutionary goal is [...]

The Story of a Young Man who Wanted to Realize God

Today I would like to tell you a short story. Once upon a time a hermit was meditating by a river when a young man interrupted him. "Master, I wish to become your disciple," said the man. "Why," replied the hermit. The young man thought for a moment, "Because I want to find God." The [...]

5 Tips to Stay Focused on the Spiritual Path

Everyone in this world is on a Spiritual path, whether they realize it or not. What is the so-called Spiritual path all about? As the name suggests, the so-called Spiritual path is the path or journey that leads us to Spirit. In intuitive philosophy, Spirit is just another word for our Divine Self, for our [...]


The 21st century shall go down in history as the Age of the Soul. To launch the Age of the Soul, we have to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness. To become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, we have to take specific initiatives. In 12 Daily Initiatives of the Aspiring Yogi we look at 12 of these specific initiatives that we all have to take to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness so we may silently but decisively launch the Age of the Soul. MORE INFORMATION


Give yourself the gift of empowerment, take charge of your life and live the beautiful life you were created to live with the help of the I AM University’s powerful step-by-step empowerment coaching program, called 100 Percent Power: Total Empowerment in 40 Days or Less! MORE INFORMATION


We, as a human family, have an evolutionary goal, and that goal for us right now, at the dawning of the Age of the Soul, is to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, and as conscious Souls in incarnation to become consciously creative. We are collectively birthing the Age of the Soul and Total Enlightenment Coaching by I AM University was joyfully created to support this extraordinarily exciting and unique stage in human evolution. MORE INFORMATION
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