Right now, most people in this world have no control or understanding of their emotional self. Emotions seem to overcome us out of the blue. We don’t know what emotions are or where they come from. The only thing that seems to be clear is that we have no control over it. Emotions seem to happen to us. Same with our thinking. Most of us don’t even realize that we think, and that we do it all day long, let alone have any control over our thinking. That seems to happen automatically.

You see, when we have a problem and we try to solve it, eventually our searching will take us within, and as we go within we will realize that our thinking, our feeling, our energy body, our being part of the human kingdom and being embedded in a universe that is alive and ever expanding has something to do with our life here on Earth – and our realizing all this will help us to expand our consciousness.
So our problems help us to expand our consciousness. The reason why we have problems is because we are, collectively speaking, unaware of our thinking and feeling, and of the Spiritual journey our Soul is on, and the evolutionary goal our Soul is pursuing. And being unaware of all these things, we work with mental energies and emotional and etheric forces etc. not realizing what we are doing. But our working with these inner energies has an effect – and since we don’t realize what we are doing when we think a thought or have an emotion, the effect is often chaotic – and the name we give to these chaotic effects is problems.

The only problem with problems is that we call them problems. Problems are the outpicturing of our inner state of consciousness – personally and globally. Problems force us to look at the inner cause – and when we do that, we expand our consciousness because we become consciously aware of our emotional and mental and Spiritual world. And consciousness expansion is what is necessary for us to become Soul conscious, which again, is our current evolutionary goal.

So, problems are teachers. They help us to grow. If none of us had any problems, we probably would not grow much. We all have problems – and no matter what your problem is right now, you can solve it. We are never given problems that are beyond our capabilities. If you think your problem is so much bigger than what you can handle right now, you just have to make yourself bigger than your problem. And you do that by expanding your consciousness, by looking at life from a bigger perspective. And when you expand your consciousness and look at life from a bigger perspective, you will give thanks to your problem because it helped you to grow. And grow we must. Why? Because our evolution is not yet complete. We are still becoming. That’s why we have an evolutionary goal that we cannot escape. And that goal is to become Soul conscious and as awakened conscious Souls to become conscious co-creators on Earth. Right now, we are mostly unconscious creators of chaos. But that’s changing now.

So here is your homework: Pick a problem you have and start looking at it as a teacher, and see what you can learn. So instead of getting angry at your problem, start looking at it as a door into a higher reality and more expanded consciousness. Make it a habit to look at your problems when they come up and solve them. Don’t sweep them under the carpet and hope they will disappear because they won’t. Problems are mental, emotional and etheric packages of energy in your auric field. They will only disappear if you look at them and solve them in the light of an expanded consciousness.