

To move out of the lower self into the Higher Self, we need to monitor our self-talk and replace disempowering messages with empowering messages. Thoughts are magnets. Words are forces. The thoughts we think, the words we say, the self-talk we engage in, all have a definite effect. Disempowering self-talk magnetically pulls us down whereas empowering self-talk magnetically lifts us up. So, by affirming that every day, in every way, we are getting better, more confident, more egoless, more enlightened, healthier, happier, etc., we are creating a corresponding magnetic force field around us that has the power to lift us out of our lower self into our Higher Self. Our autosuggestions were created with this greater goal in mind.

2017-08-06T12:34:25+00:00By |Products|

Classical Mantras

Our I AM Mantras – embedded in a beautiful composition of classical music that encompasses 12 instruments, ranging from violins, cellos, English horn clarinets, to piccolo flutes – combine the power of a meaningful message with the beauty of classical, timeless music; and the product is something entirely unique: Classical Mantras. Among other things, working with these unique mantras will help you to reprogram your subconscious mind with the message of the mantra, focus your mind in a world that calls for constant distraction, empower you from the inside out, build your inner confidence as well as strengthen your inner connection with Spirit.

2017-08-06T12:45:37+00:00By |Products|


The 21st century shall go down in history as the Age of the Soul. To launch the Age of the Soul, we have to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness. To become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, we have to take specific initiatives. In 12 Daily Initiatives of the Aspiring Yogi we look at 12 of these specific initiatives that we all have to take to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness so we may silently but decisively launch the Age of the Soul. MORE INFORMATION


Give yourself the gift of empowerment, take charge of your life and live the beautiful life you were created to live with the help of the I AM University’s powerful step-by-step empowerment coaching program, called 100 Percent Power: Total Empowerment in 40 Days or Less! MORE INFORMATION


We, as a human family, have an evolutionary goal, and that goal for us right now, at the dawning of the Age of the Soul, is to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, and as conscious Souls in incarnation to become consciously creative. We are collectively birthing the Age of the Soul and Total Enlightenment Coaching by I AM University was joyfully created to support this extraordinarily exciting and unique stage in human evolution. MORE INFORMATION
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