
Use the Power of the Compound Effect to Grow Spiritually

If you look at your life, what is it – from a practical point of view? It is simply the succession of days. The days grow into weeks, the weeks turn into months, the months merge into years, and the years become your life. Your life today and what you are today - where you [...]

How to have a good night’s sleep

Millions of people around the world have trouble sleeping well at night. So here is a very powerful exercise to help you have a wonderful night’s sleep. Before you go to bed at night, just relax for a moment and do the following visualization exercise. Visualization is a technique of focusing and directing our energies. [...]

Learning to Put on your Spiritual Armor to Start your Day

My Beloved Readers, what I am about to share with you now is one of the great secrets of the ages that very few people in this world realize, know, understand, and apply. It is such a simple understanding and makes such incredible sense that after reading this you will wonder why everyone doesn’t do [...]

The Incredible Importance of Setting Up Spiritual Battle Plans

As I have mentioned in other places, there is a stage you will reach on your Spiritual path where life no longer becomes a struggle. This occurs when your consciousness is so merged with your personal power, self-mastery, unconditional love, Spiritual and psychological wisdom, integration and balance of the Seven Rays, self-love, Golden Bubble of [...]

How to Respond to Attack and Criticism

Hi there. Here is the thing. If you live in this world, if you have got a pulse, then you are being judged, attacked and criticized by other people. I dare to say that there is not one single person living in this world today who is not being judged, attacked and criticized by others. [...]

Seven Ray Affirmations

The evolutionary goal of humanity is to step out of our humanity and into our Divinity. Our Divinity is sevenfold in character. Seven is the number of perfection. The Seven Rays or Seven Characteristics of Divinity represent our ideal of perfection. The word perfection comes from the Latin and means “to make complete, to finish, to bring to full development.” As long as any of these characteristics are missing in our character, our expression is incomplete. By setting the goal to develop ourselves in all seven characteristics or Rays we are consciously working towards reaching our evolutionary goal of perfecting or completing our consciousness. We are consciously and systematically unfolding the attributes of the Divine within our core so we may more fully step into our Divine nature. The Seven Ray Affirmations and Declarations have been created with this greater goal in mind.

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Dance Meditations

The Soul controls its instrument – mental, emotional and physical body – through the imposition of a regular rhythm. No one on Earth can evade rhythm. Rhythm is an expression of the Seventh Ray of Ceremony, or Law and Order. Rhythm brings law and order into our lives, and since humanity as a whole now stands under the growing, potent influence of the Seventh Ray, the power and significance of rhythm will continue to grow more and more prominent as the incoming Seventh Ray is slowly but surely imposing order and a new rhythm upon our lives. To help create awareness for the power of rhythm and rhythmic living, for the presence of Seventh Ray energy in our lives and also for the Soul’s goal to impose its rhythm upon our personality, we have designed a creative Soul Rhythm Dance Meditation series that combines the rhythm of sound with the meditation on Soul characteristics.

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The 21st century shall go down in history as the Age of the Soul. To launch the Age of the Soul, we have to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness. To become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, we have to take specific initiatives. In 12 Daily Initiatives of the Aspiring Yogi we look at 12 of these specific initiatives that we all have to take to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness so we may silently but decisively launch the Age of the Soul. MORE INFORMATION


Give yourself the gift of empowerment, take charge of your life and live the beautiful life you were created to live with the help of the I AM University’s powerful step-by-step empowerment coaching program, called 100 Percent Power: Total Empowerment in 40 Days or Less! MORE INFORMATION


We, as a human family, have an evolutionary goal, and that goal for us right now, at the dawning of the Age of the Soul, is to become Soul conscious in our brain awareness, and as conscious Souls in incarnation to become consciously creative. We are collectively birthing the Age of the Soul and Total Enlightenment Coaching by I AM University was joyfully created to support this extraordinarily exciting and unique stage in human evolution. MORE INFORMATION
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